
Here are some publications of which we are authors or in which we are represented with guest contributions or pictures:

  • Since 2015 releases of more than 150 different wall calendars in several formats (A5 to A2) and different languages (an example)

  • Since 2017 releases over 140 puzzles with 1,000 parts (an example)

  • Mondberge, magazine for environmental-, nature- and species protection, Issue 3, 12/2017 to 03/2018

  • Mondberge, magazine for environmental-, nature- and species protection, Issue 6, 12/2018 to 03/2019

  • Mondberge, magazine for environmental-, nature- and species protection, Issue 8, 08/2019 to 11/2019

  • Mondberge, magazine for environmental-, nature- and species protection, Issue 11, 08/2020 to 11/2020

  • Mondberge, magazine for environmental-, nature- and species protection, Issue 11, 08/2021 to 11/2021

  • Mondberge-Species Conservation Wall Calendar 2020

  • Paradiese Afrikas, photo book, format 27.5 x 43 cm (height x width, unfolded), 128 pages, 306 partly large format photos

  • Pantanal, photo book, format 27.5 x 84 cm (height x width, unfolded), 70 pages, 167 partly large format photos

  • Greenland, photo book, format 27.5 x 84 cm (height x width, unfolded), 52 pages, 61 partly large format photos

  • GEO postcard XXL, format 11 x 23 cm (height x width)




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